5 top reasons why I've hesitated putting up tutorials on my blog. This is what I imagine readers think:
1) It's so damn easy, anyone could do it. We don't need to see it step by step!
2) A million people have done it, aren't you a little sloooowww?
3) You have like 50 views on your blog in a year. Who do you imagine teaching?
4) I saw this before in a book! Are you plagiarizing without any guilt?
5) Are those your nails? You need a manicure badly girl.
Today I finally overcome my silly fears and am putting up some photos and steps to show you how to make some freaking simple X'mas tags. White on white remains a true classic, and with the contrast of textures, you'll find that tracing paper can often be more delightfully used than mere trace work.
There will be steps to show you 2 tags made from the same materials. Really simple. Easy-peasy. :)
An overview of the materials needed. I am using tracing paper and a metallic white cardstock to create some shimmery snowflakes
Cut cardstock and tracing paper to preferred size. Mine's 6 by 15cm (2.5" by 6")
Use a 1-eye hole punch to create openings on both ends of the short side.
Cut ribbon lengths of approx. 18-20cm. Seal the sides with a lighter to prevent fraying.
Tie a flat knot. It's easier to use a double-sided ribbon, but if you use one sided ribbons, it might be worth looking at a simple tutorial on flat knots here.
Almost done. Just 1 more step.
Use a punch with a X'mas motif. I have one with a snowflake. Punch snowflakes on the tracing paper, as and where you please. DONE!!!!
Now we're off the 2nd tag.
Fold cardstock and tracing paper into halves.
Create cut-outs with punch.
Cut ribbon to length of approx. 15 cm. Put double sided tape on 1 end.
Secure both tracing paper and cardstock with ribbon.